Teacher Retirement
Teacher retirement
Policy DEG
All personnel employed on a regular basis for at least four and one-half months are members of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS). Substitutes not receiving TRS service retirement benefits who work at least 90 days a year are also eligible for TRS membership and to purchase a year of creditable service. TRS provides members with an annual statement of their account showing all deposits and the total account balance for the year ending August 31, as well as an estimate of their retirement benefits.
Employees who plan to retire under TRS should notify TRS, Wharton ISD Office of Human Resources as soon as possible. Information on the application procedures for TRS benefits are available from TRS at Teacher Retirement System of Texas, 1000 Red River Street, Austin, TX 78701-2698, or call 800- 223-8778 or 512-542-6400.
TRS information is also available on the Web. Click on link:
Forms accessible to TRS members can be obtained by clicking on the link below: