Technology Department
Ms. Doris Dornak
Senior Device Administrator
Wharton ISD
Phone: 979-488-2594
Mr. Robert Davis
Technology Specialist
Wharton ISD
Phone: 979-532-6889
Mr. Jacob Wondrash
Technology Specialist
Wharton ISD
WISD Technology Department
Welcome to the Technology Department of the Wharton Independent School District. Our focus is to support teaching and learning with technology throughout the district. We are working to redefine and transform the way students learn and communicate by promoting innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Wharton ISD Technology Department is an important resource to our district as we provide all technology needs to students and staff. We are committed to providing our students, teachers, administrators and staff the best possible technological learning and working environments possible. Technology is never flawless. We know how disruptive and frustrating it is when something is not working. Our tech specialists provide face-to-face, remote and phone support five days a week. Tech requests can be submitted 24/7.A safe digital environment for all is a top priority for the technology department. We ensure compliance with the Child Internet Protection Act by requiring cyber safety training of all staff and mandating age-appropriate digital citizen lessons. All staff and students annually sign an acceptable use policy, promising online and offline responsible behavior.
As part of our initiative, we provide wireless access points (WAP) for all core classrooms on all campuses to support wireless devices such as Chromebooks, iPads and Kindles. We also provide extensive content filtering to ensure our students are able to effectively and safely use the Internet as a learning tool. In addition to hardware and software support, we provide teachers and students effective instructional support that promotes the use of technology in the classroom in a format that is seamless and promotes the Blended Learning model using Google Drive and Google Classroom.Our goal is to support faculty and staff with the tools that allow them to prepare our students to be 'career and college ready' in Wharton ISD.