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Because truancy can result in so many negative outcomes for youth, it is essential to address the issue of absenteeism in school well before it becomes a truancy problem.  The key to success is prevention.  New research from a nine-city study of excessive absence in K-12, excused or unexcused, has shown clear prediction of later poor achievement, truancy and dropping out.  Programs that address unexcused absences before a child is labeled a truant and encourage attendance are ciritical.  Effective preventive strategies that keep youth engaged in school and in the community and demonstrate effective collaboration between the legal and education systems will help prevent truancy and ultimately reduce the number of school dropouts.  In so doing, juvenille crime may decrease as well as teen pregnancy, and substance abuse.  Currently, Wharton ISD has implements the Truancy Diversion Program to address the issues of truancy before it is too late.